There are
many fantastic blogs and websites out there full of great information. I have
learned a lot from these. My intention with this blog is not to repeat what has
been written so well out there and often repeated all over the place but rather
showcase my experiences, problems I have encountered (and solved), lessons I
have learned and what I have created.
Where it started
I guess there is no defined moment I can recall when my passion for creating in the kitchen started. It has however evolved over the last twenty something years. I have moved through many phases and styles in the kitchen and find as long as I am creating something I am passionate about, stretching boundaries into new areas of discovery and enjoying myself there is no real reason to stop.
Where it started
I guess there is no defined moment I can recall when my passion for creating in the kitchen started. It has however evolved over the last twenty something years. I have moved through many phases and styles in the kitchen and find as long as I am creating something I am passionate about, stretching boundaries into new areas of discovery and enjoying myself there is no real reason to stop.
Living in South Africa certainly has its challenges when delving into new culinary areas. Simple online sourcing of specialised (and even not so specialised) ingredients is borderline impossible and makes finding these necessities an ongoing challenge. That said, when digging deep enough into the realms of the commercial supply world I have managed to source almost everything I need.
Moving into the Charcuterie side of meat started with the basics of biltong and has moved forward from there with a vengeance. Dry cured cold smoked bacon is now a staple in the house. Sausages more often than not are a flavour adventure and Salami and Chorizo are about to open as the next chapter.
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